How to apply

Caithness Business Fund’s mission is to promote the economic growth of Caithness and North Sutherland by supporting new or existing businesses and developing the skill base to meet new challenges. It is currently offering grants from £100 to £5,000 to eligible persons or companies (partnership, firm, or other body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated) carrying out or proposing to carry out any business, undertaking or retail, commercial or industrial activity (not in excluded sectors/business activities) and which in the Fund’s view does not significantly displace another business.

Eligibility criteria

Excluded sectors/business activities:

**speak to the Fund team to find out more details as some funds are ringfenced with specific excluded sectors, however there are limited funds available which do not carry these restrictions.

Conditions of grant award:

Applicants must -:

Please note that the Fund may place additional conditions on any given grant award.

Key information is required in order to assess suitable applications. However we encourage applicants to contact us if there are any aspects of the application form or process that they require assistance with or further information on i.e. production of a business plan or financials.

An application form and guidelines can be downloaded here.

Contact the Management Company on 01847 500104 or email for any assistance in filling out the form.

* Dounreay Travel to Work Area: The whole of Caithness, and north west to Melness / Tongue and south to Brora in Sutherland.

Caithness Business Fund
Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7QA

Registered in Scotland: SC450693

T: 01847 500104

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