
Our most recent publications:

Business Start-up, Growth & Training Application form

Please read the application guidelines before filling it out.

Apprenticeship Application 2024/25

Please read the application guidelines before filling it out.

Application Guidelines

Essential guidelines which should be carefully read before submitting an application.

Funder's brief

Caithness Business Fund offers a professionally-managed, Caithness and Sutherland solution for businesses, developers or individuals looking to make an investment in the local community.  Download our funder’s brief now to find out more about how the Fund can help ensure your contribution will have the maximum impact.

Caithness Business Fund
Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7QA

Registered in Scotland: SC450693

T: 01847 500104

Design by Navertech