The next closing date for applications is on Tuesday 8th April at 12:00 Click here to see all forthcoming application dates


Caithness Business Fund is a private sector fund established to distribute grants to small businesses based within the Caithness and Sutherland area.

The Fund's mission is to promote the economic growth of Caithness and Sutherland by supporting new and existing businesses and developing the skill base to meet new challenges.

The Fund was created after discussions between Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Baillie Wind Farm Ltd who had a vision to see a wider area of Caithness and Sutherland benefit from local wind farms. 

The Fund promotes economic growth and assists small businesses through contributions it receives from developers and businesses either through a multi-year commitment or one-off contributions.  The Fund’s main funder is Baillie Wind Farm Ltd which contributes £25,000 RPI per annum (a 25-year commitment), with additional contributions from Cavendish Nuclear, Dounreay and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

If you have an existing business or are looking to start a business, check if you are eligible to apply for a grant to assist your business development, employ an apprentice or upskill your workforce. Alternatively if you are a business, developer or individual who would like to find out how the Fund can assist you in making an investment in Caithness contact us on 01847 500104.

Latest News

FutureSkills: £50,000 investment boost to north Highland apprenticeship scheme by the West of Orkney Windfarm.

The Caithness Business Fund is celebrating a substantial investment boost of £50,000 from the West of Orkney Windfarm, towards FutureSkills, an apprenticeship grant scheme designed to tackle skills shortages and drive investment in new opportunities for businesses and young people in Caithness and north Sutherland.

Read the full press release in the news section.


Apprenticeship & Training Grants

Assistance from the Fund is helping to “level up” access to apprenticeships for small-to-medium enterprises in the North Highlands, ensuring businesses and organisations of all sizes are equipped with skills needed both now and in the future. Eligible SMEs can access grants from the Fund to help with employment and associated training costs for accredited apprenticeship opportunities within their business.

Apprenticeship Grants - These are available to businesses which can demonstrate a strong commitment to hosting a modern apprenticeship, providing a supportive pathway and desire to grow and create employment.

The FutureSkills apprenticeship scheme can provide financial support up to a maximum of £24,500 over 3 years.

Any grant awarded will vary depending on the needs of each business, the apprenticeship being undertaken and the availability of any other funding.

Training Grants – These are available to businesses seeking to provide relevant courses for their employees and can clearly demonstrate a linkage to business growth and development.

Full information on criteria for Apprenticeship & Training Grants can be found in the application guidelines.

Application dates

Meeting date Details Closing date
22/04/2025Funding Application Date08/04/2025
12:00 pm
11/06/2025Funding Application Date28/05/2025
12:00 pm

Caithness Business Fund
Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7QA

Registered in Scotland: SC450693

T: 01847 500104

Design by Navertech